DoEs Best FrenZ or TruE Frenz ExisT??
What Ur Opinion???? Do U BeLeive In beSt Frenz Or TruE FrenZ?????????? I reallY want @ know ur OpinIon.. So 4 any1 Who Read this Post.. PLs leave a commNt... :)
Ape Kes
haa..nie ape kes berasak cm sardien nie.....hahahhahaha.. kalo yer pon nk ngk citer kung fu lek ar... hahahahah... diz is my frenz where currently we studying 2gther at sgmat doing BBA MArketing..... presnting joe,fira (ecehwah).....Sara, Riena, Erin,Qilah owh minah nie amk finance.. bendahari kitaowg hahahahahah... yg tgh amik gmbr tue sza_sza...huhuhuhu :)
My Dream Car BMWM6 Convertible
dis is my dream car... by the age of 30 ... i must own that sexy and hot BMWM6 convertible Car... i Luv BMW car... it look sophisticated.... May God grant my wish and dream.....
D ClicK 5
dis is a story n d memory at always stays inside my heart... presntg ieda@amoi, elyn,SaraH e, RIena@ikan emas ..hahahahaha n me Gummy Bear@farah... photo ie diambil pd maser kita owg part 6.. nk g wat research n mkn pizza...hahahaha amoi blajer.... windu gler kt sumer... owh yer bersempena mkn kat pizza nie ader adegan palng sengal n lawak ar yg berlaku yg maner dibintangi oleh Riena n Sarah..ahahahahahahaah... sengal2... guys u have no idea how much i miss u n ur Banskin & Robin ice cream..hahahahahahahaahahah
My Family : Aloha Labuan Island
Dis is myy Family.... we were on Labian island in front of KOmpleks Sukan Air.... jenjalan mkn angn... owh let me introduce my family... my DAd HJ Ismail....My Mom Mam Junaidah,, my Bossy big sis Farah Hazwani,,, n my manjer lil Sis Aina.... we r actually attndng 4 my elder bro weddng.... penat seidok dlm kapal trbng tue berjam lamrnyr...nak patah pngang n best part is BOWRING gler.... sume pon awan.. kalo ader mamat hndsm sdp gak nak memndg..hahahahahahahahaah.....
My AngeL MiLia & DanieL
Dis 2 cute kids is my belaoVed and fav baby... comel kan ank buah kami.... kak long yg pakai spec besaw tue umur dia 2 thn lbh..bnyk x phm ape yg dia nak g tau...ntah bahase aper dia pakai pon aku x tau....ahahahahaha.... but she is very adorable n also gengster..kalah gue.... suke makn lala.. suker sgt tgk menatg..haaa tue yg g zoo tue.... nak tau x dia pngl ikan tue "fishkan"...burng palk mat saleh nye bhse "bird"... kucing plak "miowcing"...hahahahah sengal but cute... tg mamt handsome nie palk name dia daniel... umur plak 2hb 2 nie br blom pandai jalan... suare dia serak2 basah..sedap dgr.. daniel pendiam n baik bdknyer... kakak dia selalu buli dia.... tapi dia syg adik dia cuz everytime adik dia nangis k.long ckp kat dia "anyel jgn nangis...tatak ada" comel gler....owh my god i feel so blessed wif my life... thank u so muck Ya ALLAH... owh luper plak dat women is my kakak ipar... ibu pd 2 budak comel tue... i called her kak Ti.. GOD I LUV MY FAMILY :)
Time Kat SaGiL...Mandi tp xreti Berenang :)
Dis is my ex-omate n x-omate sblh blik...hahahahhahaah.... yg paki ju biru tue nisa, yg tgh2 tue pinky@nita n yg sowg lagi tue ecah becok...hahahahaha... gabr gue harus lah x de dlm tue...nak tau knp...mesti lah aku tgh cbuk kerngkan hp yg masok air tue... sengal kan nak mandi sungai tp lupa kuarkan hp...haaa kan dah berenang hp aku tue... beriya jer nak terjun..bknyer aku reti berenang pon..hahahahah...kita owg g mandi kt sagil kul 7pg.. bapak sejuok nak mati... dah jadi ais gue sekejap... kitaowg bw sandwich n air oren..siap beli bola pooh sengal jer... windu gler kat diaowg... 1 owg smbg kat s.alm..1 org lg kejer kt s.alam, yg sowg lagi kat sgmat tp susah nk jmpa minah sowg nie... maklmlah dok luar susah lah nak jmpa.. like me..i'm staying inside.... well u guys rock... miss u lot.. :)
SweEt memOries In SarawaK CampuS - end of Journey
dis pic remind me those wonderful day n trip that i will always remeber...... gmbr nie diambill sekali ngn dak sarawak...happening gler... during 4 days trip to sarawak lot of thng we share... prog nie more pd perbncngn 2 hala btwn dbs society sgmt n sarawak... we discuss more on colobrtn proj to ACHEH.... b'tkr idea in doing prog for the society... berkenalan ngn lec n penasihat DBS Sarawak... jenjaln tour campus Sarawak nie... best gler...lain ar dr sgmat like heaven and earth...opppss jgn mare..ini kenyataan daaaa... aduhhh windu nya.. seperti mau pg lagi... fiuyooooooo hahahahha :)
DBS Society FLy 2 SaRaWaK
RUC '09
my passion is in music, leadership, love and peace. here i would like to share my day on 31 jan 2009. Dis was My 1st confrence on d year of 2009...
the confrence is all about what it takes to b leader....
it really helping me a lot in improving my knowledge, since i 've been elected to b a NYDP for JPP UiTM Segamat..there is lot of thng i should chnge and learn in order to be a gud leader to UiTM community n myself of course.....
i would like to share my exprience on that day... during d confrence i meet a lot of great people/leader... RUC09 is sponser by PEMADAM (Persatuan Mencegah Dadah Malaysia)there is about 6 seminar session. what i really like to tell all of u is a bout the speaker for the confrence that day.... the speaker are Mejar DR. Faiz (angkasawan Negara) who give talk about Relationship, how important commincation in accomplishing a task. he also share his exprience on how he was train in Russia, the pressure, the chalenge and he also said that "a people who survive is people that adapt very well with the environment. he's ryte ryte now i'm hardly trying to adapt myself with d environment. the other speaker for the confrence is the founder of "Real Leader" itself En Amirul Iskandar Mannan which give talk on 'Attitude' where he stress on how important to b a positive person and how positive person do influence urlife. on the other side there is also talk about 'U N UR Money' by CEO Of AKPK (BNM),'Teamwork' by VICE President of PETRONAS and the best of the confrence session is on "LEADERSHIP" talk,, u know what it's because the speaker is a succsessful businesswoman and she also the founder of "SECURIFORCE" who i'm talking about... of course 1 and only "THE IRON LADY" : DATO" MAZNAH HAMID. she gv a talk on "KEUSAHAWANAN" .she is a great business woman and motivator. I dun know how to describe how gud is her talk on that day..there is so many thng that make me so inspire by her work and passion. i really recommend all of u to read her motvtn book. 1 day i will become success and rick just like her...Di Kesempatan inie jg I would like to xpress my appreciation to UiTM Johore 4 gvng me a chnce to attend the confrence.. i would also like to xpress my appreciation to my JPP team N JPK also 4 their commitment toward RUC09.... LUV U guys... May ALLAH Bless all of us... Chao2....